A is for “ability” to do God’s will through grace
B is for all “blessings” poured out before our face
C is for “courage” despite our many woes
D is for “deliverance” God gives us from our foes
E is for “excitement” that builds up deep within
F is for the “faithful” who in the end will win
G is for the “grounded” who stand upon the rock
H is for the “hopeful” who earnestly will walk
I is for “incredible” the love God has bestowed
J is for my “Jesus” to whom my life is owed
K is for His “Kindness” which daily He unfolds
L is for His “Lordship” which all these things upholds
M is for His “mercies” He has enough for all
N is for “never” He’ll not reject your call
O is for “obedience” we need not understand
P is for the “power” the Spirit to us hands
Q is for “quality” with which our work is done
R is for “redemption” found in Jesus, God’s own Son
S is for “salvation” the Lord has made us whole
T is for those “trials” which bring us to the goal
U is “understanding” after we obey
V is for “victory” we’ll have if we will pray
W is for His “witness” to all men we must go
X is for “experience” that produces in us hope
Y is for “Yahweh” Jehovah is His name
Z is for the “zealous” who tell about His fame