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Mercy For Repeat Offenders

by Margaret Cagle

People go to traffic school
For so many different reasons.
Some get many traffic tickets
Throughout the years and seasons.

They run red lights and speed
And dent others' auto fenders,
And really can you believe this?
There are many repeat offenders.

To be careful and avoid the tickets,
You would think drivers could learn,
But in so many different cases,
They do not take a better turn.

Does God think that about us
When we frequently repeat a sin
And have to come back to confess
Five times and maybe ten?

Does God say when we sin again,
"A repeat offender is here.
Maybe I'll just have to kill him
For sinning too much in a year?"

No, Christian, God has mercy,
Or we would all be dead men,
But we need to be more like Jesus;
Resist the Devil, and do not sin.

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