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Our Trinity

by Robert Hedrick

God is my Creator, Jesus is my Savior, The Holy Spirit is my Guide,
These are the Three in One that I do humbly serve with great pride.
Boldly proclaiming their presence, as daily, I walk with The Trinity,
For They've given me the peace I enjoy, as I live my life in serenity.

God my Creator, created me in His image, that I might walk with Him,
Then when sin entered in, the Light between God and man grew dim.
Whenever God created man, he was pure and complete and sin free,
Until Satan convinced him to taste fruit from the forbidden tree.

Only perfect blood can cover sin and only Jesus had this in His veins,
Therefore God sent my Savior to die for me, to remove my sin stains.
Jesus willingly died for a world of sin so all can be on heaven's roll,
Then in time, with our Savior, on those golden streets we will stroll.

My Savior is now with my Creator, however He's left me with a guide,
He gave The Holy Spirit to remind me when it's not God's rules I abide.
God's my Creator, Jesus' my Savior, The Holy Spirit guides my way,
The Perfect Trinity needed to protect us during our earthly stay.

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