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Choosing Wisely

by Robert Hedrick

I serve God because it's something I choose to do,
He gave me this freedom just as He gave it to you.
It was a choice I made for my life some years ago,
After making some that caused much trouble and woe.

God gives us liberty in choosing the path we'll take,
A wise choice making a difference for eternity's sake.
As we reach this point, choosing time will have past,
It's why I've chosen mine, for eternity comes fast.

While I was born in a free country, many were not,
Lives were sacrificed for me to have what I've got.
Every day that I live, this is the liberty that I enjoy,
It's here God put mom and dad and their baby boy.

I pray for our freedom to be defended successfully,
As it was in the beginning, by doing this spiritually.
In choosing a way of life, may God be their choice,
In honoring Him, perhaps the world heeds their voice.

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