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Dry Spells

by Robert Hedrick

I searched the sky for clouds that might promise some rain,
While it was blue and cloudless and my search was in vain.
The earth is dry, the grass is brown, soon we'll hear a cry,
From the farmers, saying, with no rain some crops will die.

If our water supply disappeared, then life could not survive,
For it's a gift that's given By God to keep life on earth alive.
When rain becomes scarce, remember, life's existed many years,
It comes in God's time, despite all of the complaints He hears.

Though it might get mighty dry before the rain settles that dust,
We receive more than we deserve, with our actions being unjust.
For we create dry spells, neglecting our service to The Lord,
Slack in honor to Him, not returning that put into our ward.

Then, when the dry spell comes and more than likely it will,
Remember, rain was always controlled by God and it is still.
If you've created a dry spell with Him, then end this drought,
By renewing your relationship to keep the storms of life out.

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