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The Serpent's Taunt part 2

by Samuel Saville

Then finite and mortal yet morally free,
So be drunk in the now and as gods you will be,

Then pleasure and power and treasure be sought,
In the absence of guilt lest your happiness rot,

This happiness then has but one caveat,
Curse truth and its standards, you must be judged not,

In work or in play or in deed or in thought,
To be as gods you must be judged not,

Wrong is the school where the right way is taught,
For to be as gods you must be judged not,

Unjust the war that for justice is fought,
For to be as gods you must be judged not,

Make short the long arm of the law lest be caught,
For to be as gods you must be judged not,

Empathetic and helpful should justice be wrought,
For to be as gods you must be judged not,

Between black and white is no longer grays plot,
For to be as gods you must be judged not,

The oppression of reap what you sow must be stopped,
For to be as gods you must be judged not,

Cry of intolerance but acceptance is sought,
For to be as gods you must be judged not,

Choose victim and duties are all but forgot,
For to be as gods you must be judged not,

No shall, no will, no should, no ought,
For to be as gods you must be judged not,

With bent truths and faux light he speaks of a way,
This serpent still whispers "Did God really say?"

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