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Noah Found Grace

by Margaret Cagle

Yes, we live in the age of grace.
God's grace abounds; that's true,
But in the Old Testament we can trace
Abounding grace through and through.

"Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord."
As Noah served the Lord year after year,
He preached repentance, seeking no reward,
But those evil people refused to hear.

God told Noah, "Go build a big ark,
And build this ark in a certain way.
Rains will come; the sky will grow dark.
Yes, there will be a big flood one day."

Noah obeyed the instructions God said.
He built that ark so big and great.
Aboard came the animals as God led
And also Noah's dear family of eight.

Waters then flooded the earth so great,
Raining forty days and forty nights.
Noah was right, but it was too late.
Lost sinners met their watery plights.

Lost sinners, repent before it's too late.
You do not know when you will die.
Salvation's door may close; don't wait.
Call on the Lord while He is nigh.

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