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Little That A Righteous Man Hath

by Margaret Cagle

Some wicked men may have it all,
Owning factories, stores, or a mall.
What I have is better; this I know,
For God's Holy Word tells me so.

I have no riches on earth, you see.
Wealth makes you no better than me.
My name is not in rich men's wills,
But my Father owns cattle on many hills.

My Father is God; for Him I will live.
My tithes and offerings to Him I give.
My Father always supplies my needs,
As He directs my path wherever He leads.

I have riches laid up in Heaven above.
I have put God first, and Him I love.
I want to serve God the rest of my life,
So keep your riches along with the strife.

Not all rich people are wicked, you know,
But many exist on this earth here below.
If you're a rich saint, may God bless you.
I'm sure you tithe on your riches too.

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