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Time Wise

by Robert Hedrick

Time is a most valuable treasure, especially when wisely spent,
In an effort to improve life, for it can stand some improvement.
We all have it, though we are not sure how much might remain,
Then when any of it has been wasted, it is indeed,a real shame.

Some may say it is my time and I'll use it just the way I choose,
Remember, God gives it and without Him, you will surely loose.
Our time belongs to Him, then only He can give it to you and I,
There comes a time He allows us no more, then it is time to die.

The Christian's time is wisely used to present Christ to the lost,
Telling them, in neglecting Him, death will have a very high cost.
Fellow Christians, using time to witness is doing as we are told,
Doing our best in attempting to bring lost souls into God's fold.

When we were learning to tell time, back in our childhood days,
We did not realize how important it would be, in so many ways.
Personally, I intend to use my remaining time as wisely as I can,
Doing what God intended for me when He included me in His plan.

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