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by Robert Hedrick

This day, as every day, had a beginning and is now coming to a close,
Then just how many have passed on by, I would say that only God knows.
We're told God created for six days and the seventh was a day of rest,
How many have passed from then until now, is just a guess, at the best.

Each day has likely meant something to someone, when passing this way,
Some getting a world of attention during it's twenty four hour stay.
There were those that brought happiness, others left a trail of sorrow,
Leaving this world with only the hope for a much brighter tomorrow.

One day may bring a dream alive, while another causes it to disappear,
Then one day may keep a loved one away while another brings them near.
Some days bring laughter with them as others bring a storm of tears,
And this is something they've been doing for many thousands of years.

Just how many more will begin and end is something God didn't share,
Even Jesus, when He was on earth, said of this timing He was unaware.
However, it is coming and if you're unprepared, preparation day is here,
Before this day ends, invite Jesus in, He'll make the way to heaven clear.

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