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Psalm 3--A Cry for Help

by George Cuff

2 Samuel records the true account of David's traitorous son.
Absalom stole his father's throne and the king was on the run.
Through the night the king did pray and God became his shield
Keeping enemy troops at bay as they tramped through lane and field.

David cried out to his Lord, "How many are my foes!
Absalom's army is in pursuit to deliver the final blow.
Many who see me on this road believe that I will die,
But I will place my trust in God who governs from on high.

You are a shield around me, Lord, the lifter of my soul.
I look to heaven for your help. There's nowhere else to go.
I lift my voice and cry to God, 'O Lord, do not be still.'
I know my God will answer me from His holy hill.

The peace of God then floods my soul. I sleep in quiet rest.
When I awake I am at peace aware that He has blessed.
I will not fear the tens of thousands sent to slaughter me.
His protective care and concern is the safest place to be.

I feel a surge of confidence. I shout for all to hear it.
'Arise O Lord; strike them down by the power of Your Spirit.
Punch my enemies hard in their face; break their teeth if you must.
Triumph over ungodly foes whose intentions are unjust.'

Listen people, hear my words, 'Salvation belongs to the Lord.'
He will deliver from all attacks; protect from the enemy sword.
His blessings rest upon His people, those who trust in His name.
So lift your voice and shout to the Lord, His glory to proclaim."

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