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Are We At Ease In Zion?

by Margaret Cagle

Are we at ease in Zion
When unrighteousness doth reign?
Let us be up and doing
In a world that seems insane!

One Christian cannot conquer
The evil which abounds.
The whole body of Christ can blow
Trumpets with certain sounds!

Let's take up the mighty sword,
Which is God's Holy Word
And proclaim salvation's message
Wherever it can be heard!

Let us defeat God's enemies
With many Scripture verses,
And let us defeat the Devil
With all his many curses.

Remember always to pray
For wisdom from the Lord.
Follow the Spirit's leading.
Meet with saints in one accord.

Do not let much confusion
Scatter your mighty forces.
Always put Jesus Christ first
And follow the right courses.

We are on a battleground,
O Saint, not a playing field.
We must rally around our Savior,
And to His will, we'll yield.

Let's support the missionaries
Who go to foreign stations
To carry the Gospel of Jesus
To all tongues and nations.

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