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Heart for Haiti

by Donna Hendrix

For the people of Haiti my heart is filled with sorrow and pain
We ask why did this happen; from so great a tragedy, what will we gain?
Death and destruction lay all throughout the land
Devastation so great that it impedes helping hands

Anguished screams for help can be heard from within the rubble
Help cannot get there fast enough to assist them through their trouble
Some will perish while waiting for the rescuers and aid
And many will survive in spite of their injuries and being afraid

Great cries of mourning and agony fill the streets
As the bodies of loved ones are left decaying in the heat
The injured are left to make it on their own
And I know in their hearts they must feel all alone

Panic and turmoil race through the streets
Desperation and fear will lead to feelings of defeat
No food, no water, and no medical care
Where will they sleep, what will they eat, so much sorrow to bear

Even though hopelessness and despair have enveloped the Haitians
Almighty God is with them and hears the pleas of their nation
They will survive through the strength of our Lord from above
And through the help of other countries and their heartfelt love

We pray Father God that you will ease their suffering and sorrow
And give them a ray of hope for a better tomorrow
And we pray that you will embrace them in your strong loving arms
And that you will stay beside them and keep them from further harm

And we pray that for those who have gone to give aid
That you will guide them safely through this country so frayed
And clothe them in the light of your love to share with this wounded nation
In hopes that many will be lead to eternal life and salvation.


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