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Widow Woman's Faith

by Donna Hendrix

There was a widow woman in days of old
Filled with sorrows and full of woes
Her husband left her with much debt
And many days in which to fret
Her sons were to become slaves to pay off the loans
She became distraught and felt so alone
Elisha was a great prophet of God
He helped many people down troubled roads they trod
The sorrowful woman went to him for advice
He told her "do exactly as I say to earn the price"
Collect all that you can find of empty jars of clay
And fill them full of olive oil for your debts to pay
The woman and her sons did as they were told
Miraculously, there was enough oil for them to reach their goal
Now, this is a story of a widow woman's faith
And how any kind of burdens God can take
If only you will trust Him to guide you in His way
He will give you the peace and comfort for which you pray
And just as the widow woman who was full of faith in her Lord above
God can fill your empty jars with His grace and unconditional love.

Story taken from 2 Kings 4:1-7 (NKJV)

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