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Low Places

by Donna Hendrix

When my world crumbles down around me
Because self pity has been my plea
My Savior gently calls my name
But I can't hear above the guilt and shame

For I now am in a lowly place
Where God is hidden from my face
Now tears are falling like the rain
My God, for me you must have disdain

Dear Savior, I cannot look you in the eye
My heart aches as I question why
Why have you left me all alone
My tears to cry until the dawn

My life is all but falling apart
There is no joy down in my heart
To often I find myself in a lowly place
Where life can become such a waste

Alas, I have a moment when I hear God's call
He has saved me just before the fall
But in reality, God never left my side
All along it was me, I did hide

For God is with me in all my low places
Always He's there with His embraces
Even in my darkest hours of despair
Jesus Christ my Savior is always there

The low places separate us from God
They can occur on any road that you trod
And when you encounter such an event
Look to the sweet Savior so He can prevent.

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