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Psalm 16--A Psalm of Hope and Joy

by George Cuff

Hear my prayer today, O Lord
I place my trust in You.
By your grace I am restored.
Each morning I start anew.

I remember the day I said,
"You are my Lord and Savior."
How I long for heaven ahead
With all who seek your favor.

Many there are who turn away
To gods of wood or stone.
Their sorrow will multiply on the Day
When they stand before You alone.

You have granted blessings to me.
I live in a pleasant place.
My life is like a fruitful tree
Growing in peace and grace.

I bless the Lord and trust His Word;
I seek Him at night when I rest.
I long for the day His shout will be heard
And I rise to the life that is best.

If I should die before You return
My spirit will fly to You.
I have no fear of the lake that burns
Or the judgment that will ensue.

In Your presence is fullness of joy
Devoid of all earthly leaven.
Eternal fellowship to enjoy
In the glory of God's great heaven.

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