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Psalm 22--A Messianic Prophecy

by George Cuff

This is a Psalm of despair and joy,
A Psalm that is doubly fulfilled.
It's about David they hoped to destroy
And Jesus when He was killed.

"My God, My God, where are You?
Can't you hear my pleas and groaning?
I call out for help all the day through,
Yet you fail to hear my moaning.

Our Fathers cried and they were delivered.
They trusted and were not ashamed.
I call out to You, the deliverance-giver,
But no miracle can I claim.

I feel like a worm and not a man,
Scorned and despised by all.
'You preached to others of God's great plan.
Why doesn't He hear you call?'

I am surrounded by evil beasts
That long to tear me apart.
As I suffer with pain's increase
I am aware of my failing heart.

My hands have been pierced and my feet.
I've been nailed to this rugged cross.
Here I hang near Golgotha Street
To win back what mankind lost.

O My God, deliver my soul.
I know you will hear my plea.
I will praise you, for this I know:
You have regard for me.

Those who seek You find satisfaction.
In You they place their hope.
They are assured of divine reaction
In a timely definitive scope."

King David was spared and ruled from his throne.
He was delivered from every plight.
All o'er the world He became known
As a king both fierce and upright.

Jesus died there upon the tree;
Then was placed in the tomb.
But He rose again for you and me
To save us from sin and doom.

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