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The Cost

by Kathleen Higham

Did I do something wrong?
She burdens herself this way
Asking the question constantly
A heartbreak that rules her day.

No longer a child abandoned
But grown and quite mature
Still she wonders, why, why?
The loss is so hard to endure.

"Was it my fault," she says
"No it was surely not," I say
Who could know the answer?
Why a loved one walks away.

God, You know it hurts
When a life brings a lie
And a heart suddenly closes
Impossible not to question why?

When those we love hurt us
Not caring to even explain
The loss of the living bears
A confusing, unimaginable pain.

Did I do something wrong?
Oh Lord to You, I cry
That I could never harm a soul
Far better that I should die.

I would rather live and lose
And love the one I lost
Than to suffer another person
My prayer-no matter the cost.

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Book by Kathleen Higham

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