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The Head Stone

by Kathleen Higham

I stood once again, staring
Her name was etched in stone
My heart ached as always
Then a prayer to God, I groan.

He understands this grieving
And someday it shall end
There is a promise for eternal life
Where a broken heart can mend.

Wandering through the head stones
Feeling the overwhelming loss
Saw a family bent in sorrow
Did they know of the Cross?

This land may hold the body
I will not worship the ground
Respectful of their existence, yes
Knowing they were heaven bound.

All my loved ones buried here
Envisioning each and every face
But I know the spirit has gone
To a most unimaginable place.

This head stone, a remembrance
Surely not the end of the story
Those who truly loved the Lord
Are with Him in His glory.

Wandering through the head stones
Kneeling down to touch the name
My tears fall, oh how they fall
And I wonder why I came?

There will be another stone
Engraved before we were born
The names He wrote lovingly
God's people will never mourn.

Wandering through the head stones
When to the heavens I look
Where names on a white stone wait
So it is written in His Book.

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Book by Kathleen Higham

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