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by Kathleen Higham

When I walk on shallow ground
Beneath me solidness is found
But stepping out to the unknown
I feel lost and all alone.

Shallow ground is safe I think
Until my heart begins to sink
My faith has failed me once again
When in shallowness I trusted men.

Fearing God at last I see
The depth of love comes to me
Not to understand His way
Yet I hear Him speak this day.

My grace is all you'll ever need
But still my questions always plead
Are you really there I say?
My shallow heart begins to pray.

He prays too then He will weep
Comforts me in my fitful sleep
Whispers softly, "You are mine to keep"
Then walks where deep calls unto deep.

In my dreams I float away
Beyond the solidness I sway
My soul warms to His touch
He loves me oh so very much.

No longer walking on shallow ground
For God is present all around
I am truly His to keep
The moment I walked unto the deep.

Psalm 42:7
"Deep calls unto deep at the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and billows have gone over me."

This poem was a finalist in the August 2010 poetry contest

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