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Psalm 42--Longing, Remembering, Trusting

by George Cuff

"Like a deer desperate for a cool stream
So I'm desperate for you.
Longing for you, O God, is my theme
I hardly know what to do.

Here I am far away from home
Remembering the festival times.
Tears now flow as I pour out my soul.
O what sorrow is mine!

'Stop, my soul. Put your hope in God.
Know that you still will praise.
Though it is Jordan's soil you trod,
You must rise from this sad malaise.'

I remember your mighty power,
The roar of the mighty sea.
I call out from my night time tower,
'Have you forgotten me?'

I spend each day in sadness alone;
My bones are feeling the pain.
My enemies taunt me as I moan,
But You, O Lord, sustain.

Okay my soul, stop this reflection.
Trust in God above.
There is coming a resurrection
For those who know His love.

Yes, I will place my trust in the Lord,
For you are my Savior true.
With heaven in sight, a glorious reward,
I'll trust You to see me through."

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