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Psalm 139:1-10—The Greatness of God

by George Cuff

O Lord, You know all about me;
With You there is no surprise.
My daily plans and activities
Are known before I arise.

I am surrounded by your care,
Hemmed in before and behind.
What a tremendous love affair
You have with all mankind.

There is no place that I could go
Where You would not be there too.
A glorious comfort it is to know
That You will carry me through.

When trials of darkness blot out my faith,
They are not dark to You.
For there is nothing that can displace
The comfort You imbue.

I am a miracle of Your creation
Placed in my mother's womb,
A member of a new generation
Ordained and prepared by You.

My frame was not hidden when I was made;
Your eyes saw all I could be.
All my days You clearly ordained
So I could come to Thee.

I am amazed You think about me,
Millions of times each day.
O that everyone could read
Or hear these words I say.

I cannot comprehend this love
Bestowed on fallen creation.
I praise You for leaving heaven above
To purchase my salvation.

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