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The Beast Learns A Beautiful Truth

by Margaret Cagle

Nebuchadnezzar was a mighty king.
Glory to himself, he wanted to bring.
He was proud of his kingdom so great.
To him, the true God did not rate.

He had a dream he couldn't comprehend.
To him, God had a message to send.
He considered Daniel to be on his team,
So he let Daniel interpret the dream.

Daniel told him what the dream meant.
From his kingdom, the king would be sent
To live in the field and become a beast.
Upon the grass, this beast would feast.

He became a beast and grew long claws.
He chomped green grass within his jaws.
His hair grew like feathers on his skin.
He was driven away from family and kin.

The day came when his reasoning returned.
He became humble; a lesson he learned.
Nebuchadnezzar saw a beautiful truth then.
God is mightier than a kingdom of men.

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