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His Grace

by Donna Hendrix

I was voted kindest girl in school
But I wanted to be the most cool
Wasted days trying to be the popular kid
Knowing I shouldn't do some of the things I did
Wanted to be the girl that dressed the best
Fashion styles I wanted to stay abreast
My heart was striving to be meek and mild
But the flesh kept trying to defile
I knew my Savior as a young girl
But temptations abound in this sinful world
I let my mind play tricks on me
To explain away morality
My heart struggled between evil and good
Making choices that I never should
Letting Satan fill me with deceptive lies
Saying, everyone does it, give it a try!
Never thinking about the consequences of my sin
Never thinking I was headed for the lion's den
Many mistakes I made in my youth
Unfortunately there was lots of proof
I'm happy to say that I was God's child
And He really did give me a heart so meek and mild
Through life's trials He sent to me over the years
I made my way back to Him through the tears
God forgave my sinful ways
Wiped clean my slate for those many days
Welcomed me back into His loving embrace
I'm so glad He saved me by His grace

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