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As Wives Become Mothers

by Robert Hedrick

When a wife becomes a mother, her life changes almost immediately,
As the new lives are added on to her growing list of responsibility.
While the time for her needs disappear, the family's needs will grow,
With her days becoming much longer, as she is continually on the go.

Though she may be fortunate enough to get offers of help from her mate,
However, more than likely, it will be too little and probably too late.
Most of the time, after work, he can't help because he is just too beat,
Only feeling up to bowling a few games with his friend down the street.

When the children have a doctor's visit, it's up to her to get them there,
Then she will perhaps bring their needs before God, in a silent prayer.
The times her husband becomes ill, she will do her best to get him well,
Knowing her entire family is depending on her, therefore she won't fail.

Then as a wife becomes a mother and first sees her little bundle of joy,
Most likely it's love at first sight, no matter if it's a girl or a boy.
Now mothers are very special people, created by God in very special way,
If you can, tell her today she is special, don't wait till Mother's Day.

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