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Why Indeed?

by Kathleen Higham

Every morning we offer up
Our prayers to God, then plead
It seems a day will never pass
That a heart is not in need.

"When" life becomes a burden
Wondering "if" it will ever end
And "why" must sorrow come
For God surely is our friend.

The morning remains the same
When over and over we pray
Sometimes feeling so tired
How many prayers must one say?

Then quite suddenly He answers!
Your face warms with a smile
But life can breed discontent
Peace lasts for only awhile.

He knows each and every thought
Groans with our heavy sigh
Time may pass so slowly, but
God sees the tears we cry.

The prayer we think unanswered
A promise He will never deny
For His grace is sufficient
Do not labor over the why.

God will answer the prayer
Then supply your every need
Even as we burden His heart
With the why, why indeed?

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Book by Kathleen Higham

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