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Dealing Truly Is God's Delight

by Margaret Cagle

God's Holy Word admonishes liars.
Someone said, "Liars will be friers!"
Well, lying may not send you to Hell,
But lying might just send you to jail.

Fibs and big lies are degrees among
Many ways to describe a lying tongue.
"Lying lips are abomination to the Lord."
Lying may cause you to lose your reward.

To deal truly is our God's delight.
Be honest, above-board; do what's right.
Lie to cover a lie; that's how it goes.
Lie to people, but the truth, God knows.

Please do not lie on your income tax.
Don't tell a lie to cover up the facts.
Lying will get you in trouble with God.
Lie and wait for the chastening rod.

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