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Judgment Day

by Robert Hedrick

We need to know that the cost of living with unforgiven sins,
Makes death a victor in a battle of flames that no one wins.
For only while there's life in a body, can sins be pardoned,
Then when death comes, the heart has already been hardened.

First comes death, then judgment, we're told in God's Word,
The outcome depends on what we had done with what we heard.
While on earth the choice was made and now it's just too late,
Then, all those who chose wisely, will enter into heaven's gate.

Each of us , while on earth, have an important decision to make,
Whether to serve Jesus or Satan, to determine which path we take.
We can not serve both, for one we will love and one we will hate,
Now is the time to make the right choice for it's unwise to wait.

God sent His Son to free us from sin and that it'll be Him we follow,
Instead of Satan with all those lies that he would have us swallow.
Then when death comes and that time for judgment will intervene,
Jesus proclaims, they are Mine, for on earth, I made them clean.

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