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My Light and My Salvation

by Donna Hendrix

I'm so glad that Jesus is my light
For with Him this dark world becomes bright
I'm so glad that Jesus is my salvation
For without Him I am condemned to eternal damnation

I'm so thankful that Jesus is always near
For with Him so close whom shall I fear?
I'm so glad that Jesus is the strength of my life
For He gives me the courage to work through strife

I'm so glad that Jesus will come to my aid
For in times of trouble of whom shall I be afraid?
Jesus is my all on my journey through time
With Him there is no terrain to steep to climb

There is no challenge that I will fear
For when I need courage my Savior will draw near
He will give me the strength to endure all tasks
For in the Light of His love I will bask

And oh, how precious is my future I see
For I will walk hand in hand, my Savior and me
For He is the salvation that sets me free
And gives me life over death for eternity

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