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by Donna Hendrix

Have you ever felt empty deep down inside?
Like you just wanted to crawl in a hole and hide?
Do you know someone who seems to have everything?
Yet, they never seem to have a song in their heart to sing.
Do you know someone with no peace in their heart?
Someone who has no joy to impart?
Thousands of people feel such emptiness
They have seemingly full lives, yet live in distress
People are searching for their life's fulfillment
Wanting to be noticed for their achievements
Many are searching for happiness in all the wrong places
Throwing away their lives on wild goose chases
There's only one way to fill the void down deep inside
It's all up to you; You must decide
To accept Jesus Christ to come into your heart
You must realize that sin is keeping you a part
His amazing love will fill all those blank spaces
The emptiness with joy and peace He replaces
Your success in life depends on the Son
Only through Him has real life begun!

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