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There's None So Patient

by Robert Hedrick

As I begin to lose my patience, instead of counting up to ten,
I try to stop and consider, how patient with me God has been.
There's times I forget how patient He is, till mine grows thin,
Then The Holy Spirit reminds me of the situation that I am in.

Before I was saved, there were times He tried to win my soul,
On a few occasions, coming close before my heart grew cold.
No doubt, I tried His patience, still He was patient with me,
For this and what it's taught me, I'll be grateful through eternity.

Salvation took care of this situation, never will I face it again,
Though I still do things that try God's patience, now and then.
Not on purpose by any means and of this you have my solemn word,
It's just that there's times when my faith gets a little blurred.

God has always supplied my needs and I'm sure He always will,
Yet, sometimes I will get a little worried over an unexpected bill.
However, through God's patience, I've learned there is reward,
For there's none so patient as The One I humbly call my Lord.

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