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A Message

by Robert Hedrick

There's something I'd like to leave behind as I depart this earth,
The message that heaven can be reached through a second birth.
That Jesus died for everyone so we can be forgiven our sin debt,
Those not accepting this are as close to heaven as they will get.

Not only will I declare of heaven's reality, also the reality of hell,
That all choosing to follow Satan, will be lead there without fail.
This is where he's headed and he'll take with him all that he can,
Don't let this happen, turn to Jesus and accept His salvation plan.

Leaving a message that all those serving God are blessed every day,
As they are learning that the only way for them to live is God's way.
Finding the peace there that will never be found in any other source,
With only one way it'll be obtained, that's by choice and not by force.

If my message isn't God inspired, then it will never reach it's goal,
Without God's Hand upon it, there's just no hope of winning a soul.
If but only one life is changed, then it is a victory for The Lord,
One less following Satan into a pit where eternal flames are stored.

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