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Follow Me

by Donna Hendrix

God whispers to us to step out in faith
Follow me to see the most amazing grace
Leave the troubles of this world behind
Listen to me for your purpose to find

Endless possibilities are just a step away
For in faith you could walk on water this very day
I will give you life beyond your wildest dreams
Lead you through dry deserts to sparkling streams

I give you the choice to strike out on your own
Or let me lead you down all the paths you roam
I won't force you to do things my way
But if you listen to me I won't lead you astray

There's a lot of temptations in this sinful world
You never know what dangers may unfurl
Satan just waits to trap you in his snare
He would love for you his life to share

God says to us, I won't leave you alone
I'll send you the Holy Spirit so my will can be done
He'll live within your very heart
So that you and I are never a part

Together we can win the victory of good over evil
Your attempt to do it alone at best would be feeble
You can't overcome this sinful world without me
Accept my son Jesus into your heart is my simple plea

My Son Jesus died on the cross many years ago
He gave you His all so that you can come to know
Life on earth in it's most fulfilling state
And eternal life in heaven where the Father and Son await!

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