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My Husband and My Maker

by Donna Hendrix

My husband was the one I leaned on before he died
Now when people see me, they see Jesus by my side
I loved my husband dearly, and He was a very good man
But no one compares to my Maker; the one who now holds my hand
He will always be there no matter what may occur
He'll never ever leave me no matter what the allure

My husband always listened to me and offered his advice
But when the Father speaks to me I know the answer will suffice
My husband was my comforter on long cold dreary nights
My Savior is my comforter no matter what my plight
My husband could only be in one place at a time
My Savior can be everywhere no matter the reason or rhyme

My husband could make me laugh when I was feeling down
My Savior has a sense of humor that can take away my frown
I always knew that for our family my husband would try to provide
And when I was scared or worried, in him I would confide
Now the Savior cares for our every need
And now instead of scared and worried, on Him I've learned to lean

When my husband died I thought my life was over
Little did I know that his death would only bolster
My relationship with my precious Lord above
That I would learn to lean on Him and accept His endless love
I've loved the Lord my whole life through
But never understood Him as much as I now do

My husband I will always greatly love and miss
There's nothing to replace his smile and his tender kiss
But life continues on and certainly did not end
What lies ahead for me, I cannot comprehend
What I do know is that my Savior has a wonderful plan
I'll go wherever He leads me for I know it will be my promised land!

This poem was a finalist in the September 2010 poetry contest

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