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Satan's Deceptions

by Donna Hendrix

Many are the lies that Satan tells to you
As through this world you pass through
Lies to keep you a part from your Savior
Deceptions to keep you in Satan's favor

Ever heard that you're not good enough
You can't learn that, it's too tough
Just look at yourself, you're ugly and fat
God would never accept you like that

Come on and try just one drink
Fun that will bring you to the brink
It won't hurt to smoke one or two
What's going to happen, it's up to you

Sex out of marriage is okay for you
Everyone's doing it, why not you two
One little lie to keep from hurting a friend
If you get caught, you can make amends

I know that money is really tight
Just take a couple of dollars, it'll be alright
Or man, you're wasting time on this no where job
Not making enough money, find a bank to rob

And if your marriage isn't going to swell
Just get a divorce and say farewell
No need wasting time on a this relationship
Cut those apron strings, snip, snip, snip

These are words you'll never hear from God
None are paths He would ever have you trod
Satan can take any sin and make it seem okay
From the Savior he wants to lead you astray

Take heed friends in who you follow
Satan's way will leave you hollow
There's a wide road paved to hell
Unfortunately, Satan makes it an easy sell

Life ends in eternal torment with no turning back
Your recourse in life is to repel Satan's attack
Accept Jesus into your heart to forgive your sins
Then allow His Holy Spirit to lead you from within

Heaven's gates await you at the end of a narrow road
Where Jesus has prepared a place for you in His brilliant abode

This poem won second place for the September 2010 poetry contest

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