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Storing Rewards

by Robert Hedrick

Before I enter into heaven, there's rewards I can earn that'll go ahead,
That can be earned only as I live, for it'll be too late when I'm dead.
They will be waiting for me when my name is called from life's book,
Treasures stored away and will be present when I get my first look.

For every Godly seed that I sow here on earth, a reward's put in place,
Then they will each be given to me when I meet My Lord, face to face.
If God sends a hungry soul to me and I help put food on their plate,
There will be another reward going into heaven that I can anticipate.

Without any doubt an act of kindness is very pleasing in God's eyes,
Then for every one of these, there's likely to be a reward that'll rise.
If a Christian brother or sister makes a mistake, I'll lend my support,
By letting them know if they need me, I can be found in their court.

My rewards will be in heaven until this earthly journey is complete,
Then I can glorify and honor Jesus when I place them all at His Feet.
Meanwhile, my goal is to collect as many of these as time will allow,
For I want a good supply as I stand before my Savior and humbly bow.

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