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by Donna Hendrix

How can you watch a sunrise over the ocean expanse
Or watch the moon and stars in this universe so vast
How can you know that all the planets are perfectly aligned
And all the moons and stars are one of a kind
How can you think that with one big bang
The whole universe was perfectly arranged!

How can you watch the intricate details of a butterfly
And see its metamorphosis that sends it soaring on high
How can you see an expectant mother to be
And know the wonders of childbirth that we see
How could you think that man developed through evolution
Into the most intelligent creatures on this earthly institution

How can you see the awesome might of a tornado
And hear the roaring thunders and see a lightning show
How can you see the devastation of a hurricane path
And see the pain of its victims in wake of its wrath
How do you think people recover from devastation so great
What gives them the fortitude and peace to overcome their fate

How do you think our nation grew so big and strong
And became the home for so many who've been wronged
How do you think that we became the land of the free
And in the songs that we sing, the land of opportunity
How could you think our forefathers founded this nation on their own
That without the leadership of God, they could have done it all alone

How do you think a baby boy was born in a stable to a virgin girl
In order to become the Savior of this whole entire world
How do you think Jesus could love you so much He could die for you
And take your sins away to cleanse you through and through
How can you not see that He is the Son of Man
I believe it's for all the same reasons you can't believe how the world began

When are you going to open your eyes to the many wake up calls
The very life you live should be proof enough for all
When are you going to admit that God absolutely does exist
And if you continue down this path your chance you will miss
When are you going to fall on your knees and accept Christ as your Savior
So that you can have eternal life and live in the light of God's favor

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