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Do You Know Someone?

by Donna Hendrix

Do you know someone worth losing everything for?
Leave your life and this world ignore
Someone for which you would give up the life you live
Turn away from your friends even if they don't forgive

Do you know someone you would follow anywhere
Leave your home and job, place yourself in their care
Someone that you would put your trust in their hands
Leave everything behind for an unknown land

Do you know someone for which you would be willing to die
Give up your life and would not deny
Someone for which you would give your all
Give up everything and take the fall

Do you know someone who would give His life for you
Leave His home and His Father to see you through
Someone who would suffer and die to save your eternal soul
Give His blood in exchange for your sins and make you whole

Jesus is the someone who already gave His life for you
Already left His home and His Father so that He could see you through
Already He suffered and died to save your eternal soul
Already shed His blood on the cross so you can be made whole

Do you know someone worth losing everything for?
His name is Jesus and He's knocking at your door
Place your life in His hands and He'll give you salvation
His death on the cross was for your vindication

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