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Amazing Grace

by Donna Hendrix

Amazing grace how sweet the sound
I once was lost but now am found

Those are such precious words to me
Take my life; let me live for thee

I was wandering in this sinful world
Never knowing what Satan would unfurl

Life was pointless and without aim
Until for me the Savior came

He came to earth and died upon the cross
He forgave my sins and paid my cost

Amazing love He has for me
My Jesus Christ who set me free

Now His Spirit dwells deep within
Leading me places I haven't been

I now live my life for God above
Do His will out of His love

Through me let His light shine
I am a branch, He is the vine

He empowers me to spread His word
To all the people who haven't heard

Amazing grace how sweet the sound
I once was lost but now am found!

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