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Walk In Stride

by Donna Hendrix

Searching and searching for answers true
For a heart that has gone askew
Have a big executive job
So why do you still feel like a flop
Make lots of money and can buy what you want
Sometimes your money you may even flaunt
Have a closet full of expensive clothes and shoes
So why is it that you still get the blues
A fancy car and a beautiful house
Wonderful children and a loving spouse
Vacation house at the beach
Yet, true happiness feels out of reach
You can't explain the way you feel
You just know that life's not real
How can you be so very blessed
Yet deep inside feel so very distressed

It's because you're missing the source of true power
The only One who can really empower
Material possessions do not bring fulfillment
They only bring temporary contentment
True happiness and peace come through Jesus Christ
For you and me, He paid the price
He carried His cross through the streets of the city
Beaten, humiliated, and found guilty
For being nothing more than an innocent man
Sent to earth by His Father to fulfill His plan
Jesus came to earth to die on the cross
So that all could be saved instead of forever lost
Accept Jesus Christ to live within your heart
And know the joy that He does impart
Ask Him to forgive you of your sin
And allow His Holy Spirit to guide you from within
Peace and contentment in you will abide
When you and Jesus walk in stride!

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