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by Robert Hedrick

From out of control with time to spare to in control and time's run out,
Now this is what a life that has been lived without Jesus in it, is about.
The tale of all those who have departed this life and were not prepared,
As they stood before their Maker and heard the terrible fate He shared.

Out of control when the lusts of sin had blinded the eyes of their heart,
Unable to see that they only last for a short season and then they depart.
Each one had offered false hope, with some leaving behind a trail of tears,
With a few following on in life right down through the remaining years.

In control now, but time's run out, for the choice had already been made,
When the choosing was done, that costly game with Satan's sin was played.
Standing before God and learning that Jesus is real but all too late,
Being out of control on earth, sins pleasures brought about this fate.

Today then, is the day to gain control so that a wise choice can be made,
Seeking forgiveness of those sins, for the sin debt's already been paid.
Then standing before God to be judged, Jesus declares this is one of Mine,
Then with the control gained on earth, in heaven, with Him you will dine.

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