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by Donna Hendrix

Be careful with the words you say
Think them over carefully I pray
Before you convey an unkind remark
That can cause an angry spark

Be careful with the words you use
They're to often meant to abuse
Words can shatter a persons life
And cause unneeded stress and strife

Be careful with the words you write
For after penned in black and white
Can be passed around for many to see
And ruin a life for infinity

Be careful with the words you choose
What you say can cause someone to lose
Their peace of mind and their confidence
Their impact on life can be truly immense

Be careful with the words you don't say
Don't forget to say I love you everyday
For unexpectedly you lose a loved one
For then it's too late, their life is done

Be careful with the words you don't share
The ones that tell others how much you care
That let them know you hold them dear
That in your heart they are revered

Be careful with the words you don't choose
The ones that may cause someone's salvation to lose
Share with everyone the amazing grace of God
Be a witness for Jesus on every road you trod

Be careful to listen for God's words
The ones that He would definitely want heard
Build up the lives that are around you each day
Thoughtfully say what you mean and mean what you say

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