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I Have Nothing to Give

by Donna Hendrix

When I stand before the Lord above
In the light of His amazing love
I hope that I can say, I have nothing to give
For I used it all when I did live

I took every talent you gave to me
And used it for others your love to see
I wrote poems of your wondrous life
How you helped us all through struggle and strife

I told of your amazing birth
That as a baby you came to earth
The light of the world into the dark
You came to us and left your mark

I told others how to follow you
That only you could see them through
I told how you died upon the cross
To save us all so that we aren't forever lost

I took pictures of your glorious world
As beautiful moments did unfurl
Sunsets and sunrises and colorful rainbows
Beautiful mountain streams as downhill they flow

Colorful landscapes of fall trees
Snowy mountain ranges ready for ski's
Butterflies dancing on flowery meadows
Pretty little girls in frilly dresses and bows

Portraits of happy families at play
Ocean waves rolling through the bay
Showy flowers of purples and red
Pictures of human tears being shed

I was a wife and the mother two
I taught my children all about you
I was a nurse with a compassionate heart
I comforted the dying as they did depart

When my life is done I hope I've used my talents for you
That my life was lived for you through and through
I hope the only thing I have left to give
Is the story of a God filled life that I lived.

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