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A Bridge to You

by Donna Hendrix

My life has been a road of ups and downs
Twist and turns and rocky rebounds
I look back on this life I have lived
And see all the love and adversity my Father gives

I clearly see the troubling events sent into my life
The situations that caused the most struggle and strife
They stand out in my mind like a flashing road sign
Giving me direction to the path that is mine

I see my baby son fighting to live
And see him now as a young man with so much to give
I see my little girl with the scars from her burns
And see her now as a young woman happily taking on life's turns

I see the devastation left in a tornado's wake
How sifting through our belongings brought such heartache
But how thankful we all felt
Knowing we lost only the place we dwelt

I see my dad dying from cancer at age fifty four
Never meeting some of his grandchildren that he'd adore
I see my mother in law fighting to keep her memory intact
While her Alzheimer'ss was continually trying to distract

I see our family business trying to stay afloat
And quiet despair my husband felt as we received the demand note
And the heart he showed as he refused to give in to this path
He kept pushing forward and redid the math

I see my best friend dying way before her time
And see the loving family she left behind
I see my husband diagnosed with a terminal disease
And his valiant attitude to put his family at ease

I see my husband dying way before our plans were done
And felt the sorrow left behind before the next day had begun
I saw the sorrow in my children's eyes
Even before the next sun did rise

These are all moments in my life that stand out for me
Not because they're sad and sorrowful but because they came from thee
I know that you will not give me more than I can bare
And I know that with every burden you are there to share

I've had many blessings over the years
Along with my sorrows and river of tears
But I have learned the most from you
From the troubles that I have lived through

With you by my side guiding me all the way
I've been able to survive and thrive through each and everyday
I've laid a plank down for every burden that we shared
That built a bridge straight to you through your love and prayer

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