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The King

by Donna Hendrix

A lone bird was sitting high upon the top of a tree
Looking down all around as though he is the king of you and me
I do wonder the thoughts that run through his head
Wonder if he knows the one who provides his daily bread
I wonder if he knows he's not the king of you and I
That he's just a tiny creature passing through this world by and by

Some people feel as though they sit high upon a hill
Bidding others around them do their every will
I truly wonder about the thoughts that run through their heads
Wonder if they know the one who provides their daily bread
And do they really think they're the king of you and I
In reality they're just a tiny creature passing through this world by and by

There is One who sits upon a heavenly throne on high
Looking down on earth, His children to spy
I do wonder about the thoughts that run through His head
After He sees and hears all the hideous things we've done and said
And He truly is the only King of you and I
And we're all just His tiny creatures passing through this world by and by

Our King watches and waits for us in heaven on high
Hoping that each of us on Him will come to rely
All through our life He continues to give us our daily bread
Even though so often the greed in our hearts won't allow us to be well fed
Amazing love Jesus has for us; the King of the entire human race
So much that He came down to earth to save us by His grace!

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