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Light of the World

by Donna Hendrix

Away in a manger, no crib for a bed
Our precious Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head
Can you imagine the sky on that first Holy night
The Bethlehem star must have shone so bright
Camels crossing the desert with wise men in tow
Angels singing glory to the world so that all would know
That the Savior of the world was born on this sacred night
To save His sinful people and make things right
Shepherds were keeping their flocks neath the moonlit sky
While baby Jesus in a barnyard stable does lie
Even the livestock knew that He came to set us free
As they bowed before Him on bended knee
The wise men and shepherds rejoiced at His birth
Delivering presents and proclaiming to all the earth
Emmanuel! Our Savior has come to be with us this day
The Light of the world come to show us the way!

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