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Thank You Jesus

by Donna Hendrix

Lord, there is no way for us to repay you for all you've done
The pain and suffering and the way that you were shunned
I am in awe of the way you endured such mockery and abuse
Battery and beatings and treated as if you were of no use
Placed in a purple robe with a crown of thorns upon your head
Knowing what lie ahead for you…such agony and dread
You were made to carry your cross through the streets onto the hill
The crowd ridiculing you all the way as you did your Father's will
Placed on a cross between two common thieves
You, an innocent man who wanted His people to believe
Jesus you died an agonizing death for sinners like me
So that from our sinful life we could be set free
It should have been sinners like me upon that cross
Instead of our precious Savior who died to pay our cost
Such love that He had for us that knows no bounds
Thank you Jesus that I'm now not lost but forever found

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