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Remembering Patriot's Day

by Margaret Cagle

Nine-eleven is what we call it,
A day for Americans to remember.
It has been named Patriot Day,
That fateful day in September.

Many lives were sadly lost
As the planes hit the twin towers.
No more could our nation ignore
The terrorists' evil powers.

We see in Shanksville, Pennsylvania,
A memorial that marks the way
That Flight Ninety-three passengers
Died as heroes on that fateful day.

Let's not forget the dreadful attack
On our nation's Pentagon too.
We lost about three thousand lives
In all the attacks; that's true.

Special prayer meetings were held
In churches across our dear land.
We increased our national security.
Against terrorism, we needed to stand.

May God bless our dear nation
As we all remember Patriot Day.
Let us pray that all our leaders
Will govern us in a Godly way.

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