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The Signature

by Kathleen Higham

What Do You Want From Me?
You Chose Me…

So, He chose me first
Why then am I cursed?
Having lost so very much
Yet to my heart I clutch.

His Word, it comes again
Tears fall, I sigh, Amen
What do You want from me?
God hear this weary plea.

What do You want from me?
I can't think, write, or see
Still, the call comes again
As I lose my sweetest friend.

Family, friends, my need?
Is love equal to greed?
You have seen me take the fall
God, don't let me lose it all.

So, He chose me first
Why then am I cursed?
When to Your call I came
In reverence of Your name.

What do You want from me?
I have lost my friend, my family
But again You sent Your Word
Yet, this sorrow still occurred.

Who am I that You would choose?
And those I loved I must lose?
What do You want from me?
Could it be authenticity?

Authenticity? Oh, let it be so
To have found it before I go
An honor, an honor to endure
This gift to bear, Your Signature.

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