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by Donna Hendrix

Lord, I've been a Christian for many years now
I still remember the day I gave you my vow
To live my life in the Christian way
To walk with you through every day
And somehow I continue to fail miserably
At being the Christian you would have me to be
I now come to you on bended knee
And humbly ask that you forgive me
I didn't understand how this all works
And you know my old sinful nature still lurks
I heard the preacher say I died with you upon the cross
So now to begin anew and let the old life be lost
He said that You now live through me
And I should abandon my life to thee
I should give you all my burdens and despair
All my heartaches and all my cares
If I will just turn over the reigns to you
And surrender my whole heart through and through
Then you will daily lead me in the Christian way
Until your glorious return for me someday

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